Or a doctor.
Or a mother.
Or a *insert anything girly here*.
I wanted to be a lawyer.
My dad told me, since I was a little girl, that I argued like no one he'd ever met. He said I stuck with my guns (whether they were right or wrong, it didn't matter), I never faltered and I defended my "side" until the death.
So, as I grew up, I had in my head I was a good arguer. And I have a very soft spot for the "little guy". I came to the defense of anything I saw that was being "wronged" (I am using loads of quotation marks!). The downtrodden, the unseen, the teased, the bullied.
I was on your side just because no one else seemed to be.
So the empath-heart I have plus the ability to argue well seemed fit for one thing. The law.
I headed into college with the law on my mind. I got my required classes out of the way and started the required criminal justice, sociology and pre-law courses.
There's a ton of tedious stuff while studying law. Like, laws.
So. Much. To. Remember.
My memory isn't super - so I had a difficult time remembering the tiny details you HAVE to remember.
After getting my Associates Degree, I seriously thought about my decision to be a lawyer.
Was I still willing to go 2 more years for a Bachelor's degree, then another 3-ish years at law school?
Did I want to incur the $25,000-$50,000/year cost of law school?
Well, the answer became *no*. Well, and because I got pregnant. That kinda put things on hold, also.
But...I still have the *save the underdog* mentality.
I fight for those who can't fight for themselves. If there is something I am passionate about, I will defend it to the death.
So...that's my story. What I thought I'd be when I grew up.
You? What did you think YOU'D be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet. I always had a great affinity to animals. I never became one,though. Instead I became an OR nurse and a mom of 4.