I'm super today, thank you Miss Cary!
You know you are one of my favorite people, right?
You know you're one of MY favourite people, right?? :D
I’ve taken loads of classes from you. What do you love most
about teaching art?
I love that I get to teach the things that are most important to
me (self-love, care, and inquiry) through such a fun and accessible portal as
art journaling and mixed media art!
I started making art in 2009 because I was a writer with a
wicked case of writer's block. I felt like my head was going to explode if I
didn't find some way of expressing myself that felt *safe* and doable. I need a
creative practice in my life in order to feel whole, and when I discovered art
journaling, I knew I'd found something I could do even when words failed me!
Are there loads of artistic folks in your family/background?
Not at all, though my children are all artistic in one way or
another, so I suspect there are some artists hidden away somewhere on my family
What type of art do you enjoy producing the most?
Journal art, hands down. I love meeting myself on the page.
What artists inspire you? Is there a famous work of art you
relate to most?
I'm inspired by artists who work in my field, like Tamara
Laporte, Erin Faith Evans, Amanda Grace, and Teesha Moore. The work of art I
relate to the most is anything by Klimt, but The Kiss is my very
How do you overcome a creative block?
I practice. I don't even worry about outcomes. I just sit my
butt in my chair, and I pick a colour, any colour, and go.
Thank you so much!!
My pleasure, darling! xo
My pleasure, darling! xo
Check Effy out here:
Effy's website
Society 6 page
Art class with Effy
This is wonderful - thanks to *both* of you! <3