Friday, September 15, 2017

Soundtrack of my life...

When you hear a certain song, does it bring you back in time to when you first heard it?

There are some songs that when I hear them, I get a physical, nausea, smiles...

Whenever I hear this song, I get a little bit sick to my stomach.  When I was pregnant, I had morning sickness. Well, more like all-day-long sickness. I would throw up at any time. This song was popular, being played all the time. Even now when it comes on, I get a huge wave of *I'm-gonna-barf*.

Kiss by a Rose

This song...we sang it at our Parent's Tea (a little party for parents of 8th graders).  I played the piano while the entire class sang. When I hear this song, I get a little knot in my stomach - nervousness!

Time After Time

When I hear this song, I smile. A lot. This one was popular when I was in high school...when I was possibly doing some things I might not have been supposed to be doing! *wink*

You Shook Me

Next - when I was 12, our church had a block-party-dance.  I was petrified because I had NEVER danced with anyone.  I was in the bathroom, avoiding going to the dance. An older girl, maybe 15 years old, came in and asked me what was going on. I told her how nervous I was. She pulled me up off the ground and showed me how to dance! So sweet!


Whenever I hear any of these songs - going to school dances floods my mind.  You HAD to be dancing, especially during the slow songs. You just weren't cool if you weren't! I feel a bit anxious when I hear any of them now!

Against All Odds

Hard Habit to Break


And lastly - when I was in High School we had a Sadie Hawkins Dance. You know, where the girl asks the guy to go? I saved up my money so I could buy tickets, and I asked the guy I had a major crush on. He said yes. Then, at the dance, he hooked up with another girl. And ignored me the entire night. Bummer!

Groovy Kind of Love

So...are there songs that are the soundtrack of YOUR life? What are they??

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gawd. We have a similar 'sadie hawkins' story. Happened to me TWICE in my school career. It's no bloody wonder I'm a drop out. :D
