Saturday, November 3, 2018

An amazing opportunity...

Do you art journal?Do you know what art journaling is?If you look up art journaling online, you will find a description similar to this:

An art diary, art journal or visual journal is a daily journal kept by artists, often containing both words and sketches, and occasionally including mixed media elements such as collages.

Is this something you do already?
Is it something you'd like to start doing?

Here is the PERFECT opportunity to get started, or to light your creative fire for the new year!

I have an amazing friend. Her name is Effy Wild.  And, she has asked me to be a teacher in a collaborative e-offering called Book of Days 2019 (BOD2019).  

Here's what it is...
  • An e-course for every stage of artist, from beginner to expert
  • If you don't have a journal to work in already, Effy will teach you how to make your very own
  • You will get in depth, step-by-step tutorials from Effy herself (at least 12!) and...
  • In-depth lessons from 13 of Effy's "All-Stars" - All of her favorite art journal artists
  • plus - at least 12 lessons from the "Rising Stars" - Effy's favorite newly emerging teachers
  • with every lesson you can get support from the teacher and a full-length PDF you can print to have on hand - forever!
  • Access to a private Facebook group where you can post your progress, ask questions, and make friends with tons of other art journalists!
  • You will get an interview done with each and every artist in the program - that's exciting!
If you are ready to purchase now - click here

Here's the lovely introduction from Effy's site for me: I’m a Virginia Mama (and grandma now, too!). I live with our 14 year old son, husband, 2 cats and 1 huge dog. I grew up in Northern Idaho and Southern Arizona. I have a Bachelor’s degree in English (which I finished almost 25 years after I started!). Luckily, I’ve mostly been a stay-at-home mom. I struggle with major anxiety and depression, which I find hinders and helps my art. I get comments regularly like, “Your girls look so sad!” or “why aren’t they ever smiling?” I find that every face I produce has it’s own personality, and, like actual people, aren’t always portrayed with a huge smile. (I get accused of having a serious RBF!) I have always loved creating things, but really didn’t start arting seriously about 6 years ago. There are a ton of ways to produce art, but I think my favorite is with graphite and acrylics.  I am self-taught (well, I have watched many artists work, taken hundreds of classes, but no professional training).  I have many artistic influences which include Effy Wild, Tam LaPorte, Jane Davenport, and Kara Bullock (just a few of my favs!).
“My art journal is the place I know I can create, quickly, or in a longer process, and it really doesn’t matter if there are “mistakes”. If worst comes to worst, I can turn the page and start fresh.  I have learned from lessons with Effy that the background matters, so I have really taken to using song lyrics and phrases to scribble in the background. It adds so much emotion and really brings the entire piece together.”
I love Cary because she has an immediately identifiable style that comes across so clearly to my eyes. Her portraits are deceptively simple, beautiful, and meaningful. She brings a wealth of humour to the table as a teacher as well!

Here are the All Star instructors - Tamara Laporte, Nolwenn Petitbois, Sarah Trumpp, Cristin Chambers, Iris Fritschi-Cussens, Marieke Blokland, Kiala Givehand, Tiare Smith, Cary Cutler Scholes, Lee Clements, Michelle Rydell, Tangie Baxter, and Micki Wilde

And meet the Rising Stars - Shai Bearden, Isabelle Savignac, Laura Edwards, Amanda Fall, Sal Shiebe, Rachael Caringella, Elizabeth Watkin, Marit Barentsen, Lynn Wilson, Amy Carden, Eva Chancellor, and Rachel Harries

Wanna see more details? How about an intimate introduction to every single teacher? Check it out here!

Now - the price.  Usually BOD2019 is offered for $120 for the entire year. That is only $10 a month for your lessons!

But, as an early bird - you can snatch up this amazing class for only $99! That is $8.25 a month. Click here to purchase!

There are also payment plans you can choose to use.  Or, bundle a bunch of Effy's offerings together (click here!)

Cary will be featured in April 2019!

Have I enticed you enough?
Yes? Come check it out!
Watch for a newsletter I'm putting together - and please, follow my blog if you'd like more, up-to-date exciting news!

I hope to see you in BOD 2018! Click here to join!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

If you won the lottery...

I play the lottery. Not often, and not seriously.  I happen to love scratcher tickets - the BINGO ones are my favorite.

I've never won more than $10. But I still play once in a while. Usually when driving through different states. It's fun.

Do you play the lottery? Right now, Powerball is worth over $114 million. What?? MegaMillions is at $187 million.


What would you do with money won from the lottery? If you really could truly spend it however you wish?

These are the things I would do...

  • Allow my hubs to retire...immediately. He has worked long and hard bringing home the bacon for our family, letting me stay at home with the kids. He deserves it.
  • I would buy a new house. Not here, but somewhere beautiful. (and have someone ELSE clean and cook!)
  • I would set up my kids and granddaughter a fund of some sort (I'd need a lawyer for that. Not sure how to do that!)
  • I would fly to Europe and spend a month there. In one of my previous posts, I list the places I'm longing to visit.
  • I would have someone train our dog. And live with me forever to make sure he stays trained.
  • I'd gift some cash to our immediate families. There's a bunch of us, so probably not a ton of dough, but some to make them smile.
  • I would make a donation to a few charities.  I also have a friend who works with women in Africa and the Caribbean teaching them marketable skills - I'd love to fund one of her trips and join her on the adventure.
  • I'd buy new cars. A few of them. I didn't know how badly I need this car until now! It's a Bugatti Chiron. I've never even heard of Bugatti!
  • I'd get my teeth fixed. I'm going to need a million dollars at the rate I am going! :)
  • I'd open an art studio. And fly in teachers from all over to give lessons.
  • Put a bunch in savings.
Now, I understand that I probably would need closer to a billion dollars to do everything I would like to.  
I also realize I have not even scratched the surface of the things I would like to do.  
Most of these things seem selfish - they are things that are at the top of my list, though that would bring me so much joy to do.

What would YOU do if you won the lottery?

Monday, April 9, 2018

My travel bucket list...

I've traveled. Not a ton, but some.  I have been to Canada, Mexico, Hawaii and all over the United States.

But I definitely have a list of places I want to go before I die.  Some of them may not seem like great tourist destinations.

And, just FYI - I don't do cruises or anything that involves me being in the ocean.

That said, here goes...

  1.  Scotland  
I have an affinity for all things Scottish. Well, maybe not haggis. But kilts...yes ma'am. A deep Scottish brogue? Of course. And the castles. Oh my, the castles!!
    2. Next is Australia. 
     Mind you, I haven't always wanted to visit Australia. In fact, when I hear the word Australia, the first thing I think of it SHARKS. I can't get them out of my mind.  But...I have friends in Australia now, so that gives me a reason to visit, right?? And, almost every animal there (besides sharks) are freaking adorable.

    Greenland or Iceland - not exactly what most people think of when they are considering a vacay.  But...I have seen some documentaries, and it looks absolutely. stunningly. beautiful. I think I would choose Iceland over Greenland, if I had to.  But, look at these pictures!

    4. St. Lucia
    I wasn't even sure where St. Lucia was.  
    See that teeny tiny country on the far right? The yellow one? 
    That is it. Did you know where it was? 

    Tell the truth. You had no idea either.
    From the pictures I have seen, it seems like an amazingly lush gorgeous destination - especially if you are looking for some serious r and r.

    5. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
    Amsterdam, as I understood it in high school, was a place to do 2 things.  Get stoned and get a prostitute.  I have broadened my horizons, though, and discovered there is tons of history in this area of Europe, and I don't want to miss a bit of it!
    And, I wanna park my boat directly outside of my house.

    6. Egypt
    Ok.  I have a few reservations about Egypt.  From people I know that have visited, it is not the most luxurious spot to hang in for a week.  The weather is bad, there are so many tourists you can't move freely, and most vendors are trying to rip you off - seriously. There are a lot of pick-pockety types there. 
    That all said - I want to stand where people I have read about in the Bible have stood.  For this reason, I really would love to visit Jerusalem, also, but all the bombings and attacks freak me out a bit.
    And no - if I get myself to Egypt, I have no desire to ride a camel.

    7. Budapest (Hungary)
    Budapest has recently hit my radar - it is such a beautiful place, with so much history. You can float down the Danube river,  visit one of the many thermal pools, fun!

    8. France - another place I hadn't really been DYING to visit.  I mean, Paris, everything about it seems so cliche'.
    But then I started getting a serious interest in art.  And the art that is in France - some of the most famous and historical pieces are there on display and in the architecture. 
    Notre Dame is there.  The Arc de Triomphe is there.  There are castles. There are lovers. There is so stinking much to see!  
    And, I have a serious itching to get into those catacombs. Scary!

    9. Denmark/Finland/Norway
    I want to go to these countries. Because I am a Viking. I know I am.  Seriously. They were fierce. 
         And a fjord - I mean, who could NOT want to see that?

    10. Prague (Czech Republic)
    lastly - Prague. My mom got to visit (no fair).  It looks like a magical fairy place. And I cannot wait to visit.

    And, though it didn't make it on the list - I have wanted to go to Dubai for a few years now.  My husband asked why on earth I wanted to visit there. 
    I really thought about it.  The reason I want to visit Dubai is because I saw a tv show where these women visited - and the plane ride there and back they got to sleep in these amazing little pods/rooms - for 24 hours! That sounds heavenly to me. So, Dubai - not so much.  Pod/rooms on an airplane? Yes, please!

Where is your heart aching to visit?

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Grandma Cary...

I’m a grandma. I know, right? I’m FAR to young.  I’m in total agreement.

But, this little nugget disagrees.

She will call me Grandma Cary some day.

I call her Nugget right now.  When she was first born I called her Chicken.  

I find myself asking, often, “I can’t imagine my grandmother doing (insert all the bad things I do here)?”

I can’t imagine my grandma calling me Butt Nugget. I can’t imagine my grandma having dyed her hair pink. I can’t imagine my grandma with tattoos. 

But, like my grandma, she’ll know she’s loved. That I love her. She’ll know her pink-haired, tattooed, sometimes swear-y grandma loves her

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


What are some thing that make you happy?

Like, deliriously happy?

I've got a few things that do that for me.  The first one, well, should be self-explanatory.

Disneyland.  Not Disneyworld. Disneyland. I absolutely adore it.  It's can be a mile away and still smell that Disneyland smell.  It smells like churros and chocolate and laughter and fun.  It's definitely my favorite place on earth to be.  

Image result for disneyland

Books. Not a Kindle. Not an Ipad. Books.  I love to sit with a "real" book in my lap, folding the corners down for bookmarks. There is just something calming and happy-making about holding a book.
Image result for books

Puppies.  Well, more like puppy breath. You know that milky, kinda stinky breath they have? There is nothing better.  It is gross, but at the same time, so super sweet and innocent. I love it.

Image result for puppy

This one might seem oddly specific.  I like chocolate. Well, I love chocolate.  There is a particular piece of chocolate that I will choose over any other kind every single time.  See's Bordeaux candy. O.M.G.  The center is a brown sugar thing and the outside is covered with chocolate and jimmies. Heavenly.

There are many other things. Many. But the last one I want to talk about it the ocean. More specifically, the beach. First...I am absolutely petrified of the ocean.  It give me SUCH anxiety thinking about swimming in it, boating in it, dying by a great white shark attack in it...Asaaaahh! But I must say, the smell of the ocean - there is nothing that compares to it.  I love to sit on the beach and look out over the ocean - sometimes seeing dolphins or whales.  That I absolutely love.

What are things that make you happy? Are they things you can do/see every day? Or things like mine - not gotten to often, but amazingly happy-making every time?

Sunday, March 25, 2018

March for Our Lives...

I know. Everyone around me is getting sick of listening to me go on about gun control.  I know I have an opinion on it that isn't appreciated by most.

But my opinion aside - can you believe what happened yesterday in places all around the world?
Thousands and thousands of people, with a HUGE number of them being kids, gathered in the nation's capital and other cities around the world to demand that action be taken against gun violence - and it was led by survivors of the school massacre in Parkland, Florida.

The DC march was funded by celebrities ( 
But celebrities weren't who we were watching.

It was the kids.  Kids who are screaming for our legislature to stop ignoring what is happening in our schools.  

Stop ignoring the everyday violence brought on by guns.

Kids who will not stand for this any more.

Cameron Kasky, a Stoneman Douglas student, said to a crowd that packed at least 10 blocks of Pennsylvania Avenue, "To the leaders, skeptics, and cynics who told us to sit down, stay silent, and wait your turn: 

Welcome to the revolution.  

Either represent the people or get out.  

Stand for us or beware. 

The voters are coming."

I was disappointed in myself yesterday for not making the trek to DC to stand with these kids.

These brave kids.

These brave kids who are the future of this country.

(courtesy of my pal Kara Bullock)

Have you heard of Emma Gonzalez? 
I suggest googling her if not.  
She took the stage to give her speech, tears running down her face.

She stood silently for nearly 7 minutes, the time it took the Parkland shooter to kill 17 people.

Image result for emma gonzalez speech

Image result for protect kids not guns

I'm not going to go on and on. Nor am I going to argue my point.

Just really, really think about these kids...
and the way they are going to 


