Tuesday, March 27, 2018


What are some thing that make you happy?

Like, deliriously happy?

I've got a few things that do that for me.  The first one, well, should be self-explanatory.

Disneyland.  Not Disneyworld. Disneyland. I absolutely adore it.  It's funny...you can be a mile away and still smell that Disneyland smell.  It smells like churros and chocolate and laughter and fun.  It's definitely my favorite place on earth to be.  

Image result for disneyland

Books. Not a Kindle. Not an Ipad. Books.  I love to sit with a "real" book in my lap, folding the corners down for bookmarks. There is just something calming and happy-making about holding a book.
Image result for books

Puppies.  Well, more like puppy breath. You know that milky, kinda stinky breath they have? There is nothing better.  It is gross, but at the same time, so super sweet and innocent. I love it.

Image result for puppy

This one might seem oddly specific.  I like chocolate. Well, I love chocolate.  There is a particular piece of chocolate that I will choose over any other kind every single time.  See's Bordeaux candy. O.M.G.  The center is a brown sugar thing and the outside is covered with chocolate and jimmies. Heavenly.

There are many other things. Many. But the last one I want to talk about it the ocean. More specifically, the beach. First...I am absolutely petrified of the ocean.  It give me SUCH anxiety thinking about swimming in it, boating in it, dying by a great white shark attack in it...Asaaaahh! But I must say, the smell of the ocean - there is nothing that compares to it.  I love to sit on the beach and look out over the ocean - sometimes seeing dolphins or whales.  That I absolutely love.

What are things that make you happy? Are they things you can do/see every day? Or things like mine - not gotten to often, but amazingly happy-making every time?

Sunday, March 25, 2018

March for Our Lives...

I know. Everyone around me is getting sick of listening to me go on about gun control.  I know I have an opinion on it that isn't appreciated by most.

But my opinion aside - can you believe what happened yesterday in places all around the world?
Thousands and thousands of people, with a HUGE number of them being kids, gathered in the nation's capital and other cities around the world to demand that action be taken against gun violence - and it was led by survivors of the school massacre in Parkland, Florida.

The DC march was funded by celebrities (www.washingtonpost.com). 
But celebrities weren't who we were watching.

It was the kids.  Kids who are screaming for our legislature to stop ignoring what is happening in our schools.  

Stop ignoring the everyday violence brought on by guns.

Kids who will not stand for this any more.

Cameron Kasky, a Stoneman Douglas student, said to a crowd that packed at least 10 blocks of Pennsylvania Avenue, "To the leaders, skeptics, and cynics who told us to sit down, stay silent, and wait your turn: 

Welcome to the revolution.  

Either represent the people or get out.  

Stand for us or beware. 

The voters are coming."

I was disappointed in myself yesterday for not making the trek to DC to stand with these kids.

These brave kids.

These brave kids who are the future of this country.

(courtesy of my pal Kara Bullock)

Have you heard of Emma Gonzalez? 
I suggest googling her if not.  
She took the stage to give her speech, tears running down her face.

She stood silently for nearly 7 minutes, the time it took the Parkland shooter to kill 17 people.

Image result for emma gonzalez speech

Image result for protect kids not guns

I'm not going to go on and on. Nor am I going to argue my point.

Just really, really think about these kids...
and the way they are going to 


